NOVA ISNS Chuck Insert 5/8″ Plainbore (shopsmith type)

$29.99 CAD


NOVA ISNS Chuck Insert 5/8″ Plainbore

The NOVA ISNS Chuck Insert 5/8″ Plainbore Allows you to ‘adapt’ your Insert Type NOVA Chuck to a 5/8″ Plain Bore Lathe (Shopsmith Pro V and Power Pro). Allows you to keep the same chuck and accessories if you change your lathe – you only need to change the insert/adaptor. The internal is a 5/8″ plain bore and the external thread matches the NOVA insert type chucks, to simply and easily screw into the back of your NOVA Insert Type Chuck. This makes your NOVA insert type chuck ready to attach to your 5/8″ Plain Bore Lathe spindle. Precisely machined from 1045 High Tensile Steel.

  • NOVA has a range of chucks along with inserts in order to fit the majority of lathes that are currently available on the market.
  • The insert/adaptor versions of NOVA chucks all use the same insert/adaptor system to ensure maximum adaptability and flexibility for the user.


The insert fits into the back of the chuck and onto your lathe headstock spindle. The inserts are threaded both inside and out. The outside thread is made to fit into the NOVA Chucks. The inside thread comes in a variety of sizes. The size you need is determined by your lathe spindle thread size. See the insert thread chart below.

If you have reliable information for your spindle thread size but there is no match on the chart, you may have an unusual lathe that NOVA doesn’t have an adaptor for. You will need to purchase a blank chuck or a blank insert/adaptor and get it threaded to your requirements.

Some thread sizes we direct thread into the chuck body. Therefore, these don’t require insert adaptors. A directly threaded chuck body cannot be altered to an insert type body or another thread size once threaded. Be sure that your lathe thread size is not covered by the insert/adaptors first!

BSF: British Standard Fine
BSW: British Standard Whitworth
RH: Right hand
LH: Left hand
TPI: Threads per inch
UN: Unified National Standard
UNC: Unified Coarse Standard
UNF: Unified Fine Standard
UNS: Unified Special

Chuck Insert/Adaptors

The thread sizes listed are the size which the adaptor converts to
(e.g. The thread size listed in the table should match the thread size on your lathe spindle.) 
Click here if you don’t know your lathe spindle thread size. 

Sizes listed below are subject to change.
Always best to check with your lathe manual and manufacturer.

Set Screw
I2NSM202 RH Tyme Cub
I3NSM201.5 RH Electra Beckum,
Multico Sumaro
I4NSM331.5 RH OneWay,
Multico Sumaro
I6NS3/4″Plain Bore M6
I9NS3/4″16TPIRH(with 6mm register)
IANS3/4″14TPIRHBSP TL1000 (pre 1986)
IBNS3/4″14TPILHBSP TL1000 (pre 1986)
ICNS1″10TPIRHBSF TL1000, Woodfast/Durden
IDNS1″8TPIRHUNC Delta, Rockwell, Golding,
General, NOVA Comet (North America)
and Mercury lathes
IHNS3/4″10TPIRHBSW Rockwell
Arundel K600/K450
IJNS1 1/8″12TPIRH BSW Myford Mystro
Masterlathe (New Zealand)
IKNSM182.5RH Elu DB 180
ILNS1 1/4″8TPIRHNOVA Galaxi, NOVA Saturn, NOVA DVR 3000, NOVA XP, NOVA 1624 and 1624 II (North America) M6
INNSBlank (Can be threaded up to 28mm)
IQNSM303.5RHNOVA TL1500/3000/Comet
(European & S. Hemisphere)
IRNS1″8TPIRHJet 1221 Lathe
ISNS5/8″Plain BoreDesigned Specifically for Shopsmith Pro V and Power Pro Machines M6
ITNS1″8TPIDual Threaded LH & RHNOVA Mercury Mini Lathe
IUNS1 1/8″12TPIRHUNFTaiwanese lathes
IYNS1 1/4″8TPIRHFor lathes don’t
have reverse turning ability
IWNSM252RH Tyme Avon (’83 on) and Classic Tanner SD165, Selbix Springwood, Sorby, Cotech
IXNS1″8TPIRHDesigned specifically for the NOVA Comet II Midi Lathe,
features lock for the reverse function.
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To the USA: There are no taxes charged on shipments to the USA. There are NO CUSTOMS DUTIES OR FEES on ANY orders below $800 USD.  For orders over $800, please contact us.

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